Cat Flap Fitters Coventry | Coventry Window Repairs Dog Flaps and Cat Flaps Installers into uPVC Doors and Double Glazed Door Glass in Coventry  | Coventry Cat Flaps Fitted into Glass or Panel | Low cost Glazing /Pet flaps  

                         02476 666551

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02476 666 551

Glass units replaced at low cost

 Misty cloudy broken glass . we can replace your glass units at low cost in and around Coventry area.
call today for free quote on your replacement glass sealed units . Don't put up with failed glass units .
Replacing your glass in your windows and doors is cost effective . No need to replace the whole window.
Most windows or doors  still have plenty of years left in them as uPVC don't rot . They just need new glass units or a glass unit upgraded to energy efficient glass.
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